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Kids & Families

  • Do you offer childcare?
    Yes. Nursery services are offered throughout the morning on Sundays and are overseen by our Childcare Coordinator, Christina Holderly.
  • What time is Sunday School for children?
    Sunday school runs from 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. in Room 127A and 127B (located just outside the sanctuary near our nursery).
  • How old do children need to be to attend Sunday School?
    Children's Sunday school is offered for children Pre-K through 5th grade
  • Can children attend the worship services?
    Children are welcome to join both our 9:30 a.m. or Eleven20 worship services.
  • Holy Communion
    On the first Sunday of each month, the congregation participates in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This is a meaningful time around the Lord’s Table to which everyone is invited. At Wesley, we practice open communion, which means you do not need to be a part of the United Methodist Church, or any church, to receive. All who seek Jesus are welcome to participate in the sacrament of communion regardless of your age, race, economic standing, sexual orientation, marital status, or physical condition. The bread and cup are the gifts of God for the people of God.
  • What do I wear?
    You are welcome to wear whatever feels most comfortable for you! Some people dress casually at all services, while others choose to wear something a bit more formal. You'll see a variety of dress styles at each service - jeans, suits, khakis, skirts, flip-flops and heels. Just come as you are - you'll fit right in!
  • Do you have childcare?
    Children are welcome in both of the Sunday morning services at Wesley, or a nursery is available for children birth to age 5. There will always be some children in the service of worship, so you should never feel as though you have to take your children to the nursery. At Wesley, we love having the youngest among us. When we say all are welcome, we really mean it!
  • Where can I Watch the Service Online?
    The livestream of the 9:30 a.m. Worship Service can be viewed online at . Livestreams are available to view immediately after the service has ended as well.
  • Friday Evening (7:00 p.m. to 9:00p.m.)
    Registration/check-in at parking lot entrance Coffeehouse social time, including live music and food (Wassail, Whatnots, and Ortz!)


Wesley is where campus and community meet. We are committed to welcoming all, growing in faith, and serving in love.  We are a diverse congregation where people of all ages, from all over the world, gather to worship, study, and serve together.

1203 West Green St.

Urbana, IL 61801


Service Times:

Traditional Worship - 9:30 a.m.

Eleven20 Worship - 11:20 a.m.



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